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Lead Generation at Your Fingertips

Selling to Local Businesses? Generate Qualified Leads for Outbound Prospecting

  • Business Name
  • Business Social Profiles
  • Contact Names
  • Over 5,000 Niches
  • Verified Email Addresses
  • Reputation Information
  • Real Time Search
  • Google & FB Tag Tracking


Get New Customers Quickly with Our
Easy 3 Step Process


Find qualified leads in under a minute! Simply log in, select a business category and location, and start searching.


Our software will generate a list of businesses with detailed information about contacts and social media profiles.


Download the data and begin prospecting through calls, emails, text messages, and social media outreach.


Largest Database on Earth

We gather high-quality leads tailored to our clients’ needs by utilizing the most extensive and comprehensive database available. We then enrich the data with additional information such as  Facebook company link, Instagram account, twitter, LinkedIn URL, and even YouTube channel information. 

Triple Verified
Email Addresses

Email verification helps you identify the email addresses and make sure it is set to receive incoming emails before you actually send an email. Lower your bounce rate with triple verified email addresses.  We  take extra steps to ensure that every email is verified, providing users with increased accuracy and reliability. 


Data Enrichment for Every Lead

We enrich every lead with social media profile information, helping you connect with them in a variety of ways.

Want 1:1 Help to SCALE Your Agency? 

We have a few spots open! Get our 1:1 help in AI Lead Gen, Sales Support and Done-For-You White Label Fulfillment. See if you qualify. Schedule a call πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


START Program

Unlock the potential to generate a monthly revenue of $10K and beyond with our comprehensive support in lead generation to sales


Fulfillment Network

Join our Clickx Fulfillment Network and unlock unlimited potential and flexibility, setting your own rates while working from anywhere.


SCALE Program

Confidently add an extra $30K - $50K/month in recurring revenue with our support in lead generation, sales and strategic coaching.


Scale better with logo today