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How Frequently Should I Change Ad Creatives?


We don’t like the idea of changing something that works; it’s simply not logical, right? But as marketers are well aware that things can get stale fast. And the last thing you want to do is get left behind in an industry that changes by the week. So if you are wondering how frequently you should change the ad creative, it depends on the situation. 



Ad creatives are key in attracting the right prospects so it’s important to test different options. However, changing something just to change something seems like a fast way to exhaust yourself without reason or rhyme.  Even if your ad is performing well how do you know it couldn’t be performing even better? What makes an ad creative work well and how can you relay client expectations in ways so that they buy into a long-term vision? 

Let’s lay out some of the things you must consider and implement when planning your ad creatives.

The Ground Rules for Successful Ad Creatives

Work Closely With Your Client

While this is key in everything you do, it’s especially important when it comes to ad creatives. Things like SEO and Google Ads can all be driven by the marketer but the ad creative really represents the client’s brand and so much more. If they are not a critical part of the conversation you may be missing a huge mark. 

When we work closely with the client we can gather, direct from the source, their client’s pain points. Along with this, how do they want their brand to be represented? How should the ad creative make their customers feel? Another crucial aspect will be to gather information on what has worked well in the past. You’ll want to bring something new to the table, but if you can expand upon successful ad campaigns and fully understand what doesn’t work, you’ll be sure to hit the mark with their campaign. 

Set a 90-Day Minimum

As you start working with an account, we may develop an array of different creatives. As time passes on, we try hard to nail the one that we can use to effectively scale the campaign. It will change week to week but if the client is patient enough you will start to notice trends and can diminish ads that aren’t doing as well and double down on the ones that are especially souring. 

That being said, we recommend changing ads every 90 days. In the first month, results may vary but it will give some indication of what’s working. By month two you’ll have started to attract the attention of your target market and get results on certain ads.   By month three you’ll have targeted the correct people and now can move to the next step of your campaign or give your target market a new creative or new offer to build the brand loyalty your customer wants. 

Consider Budget for Ad Creative Planning

If the client wants to change it more frequently, we can make it happen. However, remember that it’s probably not a good idea to do it too often if you have a low budget. There’s the risk the audience will never see it if, by the time the algorithm gets to show it to the right people, you will have already changed it. 

So if you have a massive budget, feel free to change the creative more frequently. If not, look at the number of times people have seen it before you make any changes. But remember that changing the creative in itself does not increase your likelihood of success. You may already have the winning formula and all you have to do is put more oil in the fire so you can grow and scale. 

Execute, Gather Feedback, Try Again

At the end of the day, it’s all a big experiment. The client who is ready to work side-by-side with you in understanding their target market can be patient, usually reaps the biggest benefits at the end of the day. 

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