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Importance of Title Tag for SEO

Title tag is a very important factor for optimizing a website. A common issue with several webmasters is that they try to use all of the set keywords in the title tag. This can make the title look cluttered and confusing for potential clients and users. It also makes it difficult for a search engine to understand what your webpage is about. This comes from a common misconception that a Title Tag is the SEO. While the Title Tag is a big part of SEO, it is only a part of the process and proper optimization. It is important to remember to use as relevant of a Title Tag as possible for your best possible optimization.  internet-marketing-focus-244x250

The Title of your web page should appear within the following formula: Your Title Tag. This section should appear within each page of your website.

When it comes to selecting your Title Tag, it is not only important for the search engine to be able to understand what your webpage is about, but it also assists potential clients and other visitors to understand, as well. This not only applies to the importance of the initial search, your title tag is indexed by the various search engines and is the displayed headline for your search engine ranking page, including a few other bits of information to enhance the overall description of your site. Making sure that you have a relevant Title Tag is a very important factor for your site because potential clients and viewers will make their judgments on this initial view and determine whether or not your website is what will suit their needs.

The following includes a few useful tips on how your Title Tag should be written and how to make it relevant to your webpage and your needs:

 Use set keywords related to your web page.

Use the primary, important keywords towards the beginning of your title tag to increase your chance at higher rankings.

Keep keywords that are the least important to your company towards the end of your Title Tag.

Avoid overloading your keywords in your Title Tags.

Try to keep your keywords in the Title themed.

Avoid placing your company name at the beginning of your web page.

Include a unique Title Tag for each page on your website.

Check your Title Tag thoroughly for spelling and grammar errors.

Write your Title Tag naturally and make it flow as if it were written to be a full sentence.

Google will only display the first 60-65 characters of a Title Tag and Yahoo displays up to 120 characters. Space is limited so make them count. Try to aim your title tag length towards 65 words, including spaces and punctuation, to match both Google and Yahoo maximums.

In addition, take the time to search for the primary keywords you intend to use for your company on both Google and Yahoo. Study how other companies are making their Title Tags work for them and use the information you find to improve your search engine optimization.